
About Us

Elsie Gordon’s writings are co-authored by Paul and Hannah Forrest, a husband and wife creative team. They live with their old cat, two kids, a ton of plants, and two minnows and they share a love of science fiction and fantasy novels, board games, hiking, gardening, and gourmet food. They met at a bar called the Graveyard and never stopped wanting to be together.

You can also find us here and here.

The Magic Carpet stories’ world building was initially just in conversation; for the fun of it and to entertain their young family. The Gaiaflow project began during the lockdowns of early covid as they dreamed of what it would take to build a utopian society for future generatons of Forrests.

Game design has always been an interest of Paul’s, and a highlight of his teaching career was teaching game design electives. With their combined passion of having fun, the whole family is involved in play testing and putting together the pieces of a new board or card game.