The Utopia

Called “Gaiaflow”

Post-modern culture seems to have an obsession with dystopian stories. But what has this done to our vision of the future – if it’s all destined to fall apart, what’s the point? We write about a future where we’ve harnessed technology to ease life for humans, in balance with the Earth.

It’s Gaiaflow.

But nothing’s perfect. There are still those who would tear down what humanity has built and return the world to the dark ages of violence, pollution, and instability…and there are those who seek to maintain the peace.

Chapter 2: Erik

Chapter 2: Erik

Erik’s heart raced in his chest. He wasn't afraid – just excited. Sometimes he thought he did this just for the thrill. Then he remembered the treasure. And the money it would fetch on the black market.
He looked over his shoulder at the dimly lit courtyard as numbers whizzed by on the little screen next to the door, then adjusted his mask and hat with one hand while keeping his handheld close to the keypad with the other. Finally he heard a satisfying click as the door lock disengaged. He smiled and pushed open the door. It gave way before him with a faint swoosh.

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Chapter 1: Naomi

Chapter 1: Naomi

Naomi gazed down into the valley at the glistening silver domes rising out of the forest. She unslung her backpack, took out a blue bottle with a large green pyramid logo, and drank deeply. Sweat beaded on her brow. As she caught her breath, Naomi studied the closest dome.

From a distance the domes looked natural – like giant water droplets nestled among the trees. Naomi took another drink and replaced the bottle, then hiked down the dirt and stone path towards the closest dome.

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