Birth of Gaiaflow

The Gaiaflow stories were borne out of conversations we had about the future, science, nature, and dystopian literature. Modern American culture seems to have an obsession with dystopian stories. They resonate with the aspects of our own society that feel dystopian, while also making us feel like our world isn’t so bad by comparison. But what has this done to our vision of the future? Sometimes it feels like we expect the worst, and our fatalism could prevent us from imagining creative solutions to our problem – if it’s all destined to fall apart, what’s the point?

Gaiaflow is our attempt to imagine a utopian society and tell a compelling story about it. We quickly realized why creators gravitate towards dystopia: compelling stories typically involve conflict, and something dystopian societies easily provide. Our future society, we realized, wouldn’t be perfect. But the denizens of Gaiaflow would have figured out how to solve some of the current world’s most pressing problems – including finding solutions to pollution and climate change, and moving past racial and national animosity. 

We focused on reverse engineering the problem – assuming that humanity would one day be able to fix these problems, what would it take to get there? Gaiaflow emerged from that process. It is a society-level collective focused on taking care of people, preserving and improving the natural world, and governing in everyone’s best interests without resorting to oppression and violence.

Of course, not everything is perfect, or else this world would be boring. As with any successful enterprise, maintaining the Gaiaflow utopia is an ongoing process and takes effort. There are those who would tear down what humanity has built and return the world to the dark ages of violence, pollution, and instability…and there are those who seek to protect Gaiaflow and maintain the peace.


A World Building Checklist